I know, I know, I've been a bad blogger again. Life has gotten in the way a bit.
So, a quick update:
Spawn: Started 3rd grade in September and struggled a bit in the beginning but is doing better now. He's in a reading class now to help with his comprehension, so we're excited to see his reading improve. He spends alot of time outside and with his friends, and with his dad. We're still struggling with behavior when he's here, but we are doing the best we can.
Sweet Nut: Started 1st grade in September and LOVES it! It was a bit of adjustment being in school all day-and we had a few weeks of him totally melting down around 5pm-ish, but he's gotten better. He LOVES having a math book, and he got a "Good Partner" award last week.
Cute Boy: Started at a home daycare that has a homeschool prek program in September 3 days a week, and we're doing school at home as well. Depending on when you ask he either loves or hates school. The mornings that he has school can be hard, but he always tells them when he leaves at the end of the day that he'll be back. He's just getting over a tummy bug and missed a week of school, so we'll see what happens tomorrow.
Baby Goober is 4 months old already! I have no idea where the time went! He's such a chunk and generally a happy baby. He goes to the ped on Tuesday for his 4 month well baby check and I'm guessing that he's about 17 lbs. He loves to eat, whether it's a bottle or cereal. He has reflux so they have him on a formula thickened by rice starch...we started off with the name brand and then switched to the Target one. Saves us about $10 a can. We've been slowly switching a lot of the things we use to Target brand. Formula, diapers, wipes, laundry soap...it's all just as good as the name brand stuff but considerably cheaper.
In other news, we had to move at the end of August. That's a whole long story, that one day I might get out, but there's still some pain in losing the house we were renting. We are blessed with great friends and had a lot of help and found an apartment that works. It's not our dream place, but we are blessed to have a roof over our heads, close to work/school. But it's taking alot of time to get settled. We went from a house to an apartment, and while the amount of living space is comparable, we're still trying to figure things out. Plus we have some unexpected purchases coming, as well as new furniture that needs to be bought. So it's taking time.
Other than that, we're all ok. We just got the cable hooked up last week finally. So I'm slowly catching up on all the blogs in my google reader.
Hope you all have been well!
The Goobers
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